Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nimble DEMO - Your Social Network CRM - Presented by Jon Ferrara

About twenty years ago a young man just out of college saw a need and an opportunity. The man was Jon Ferrara, the need was contact management and the opportunity was the new world of PC networks. 
Jon saw a new world where people were buying PCs like crazy to use in their businesses. They needed to keep track of their contacts, their calendars and communications, which in those days were Word or Word Perfect (remember them?). Unlike Act! and other early personal info managers, Jon said what if everyone in the office could share and contribute to the same contact manager and customer info base over the network in the office? WOW!! And the rest of that story is history. He and a friend created the first networked contact manager called GOLDMINE!
Fast forward about 10 years, Jon gets an offer he can't refuse and sells GoldMine. He goes off and enjoys his young family and life in general. But the still young entrepreneur keeps an eye on the need and opportunity in the environment around him. This time he heard and saw a new rumbling, perhaps stronger than the PC network, it was the social network
He saw hundreds of millions of people sharing personal and professional info on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google and email. He saw a need to consolidate all these new sources of info in a single living location, where contact info would include live feeds and the ability to comment, respond, tweet or whatever with your contacts. 
Jon saw the need and created Nimble, a Social Network CRM system for the next great wave of information and communication. 
Hear and see Jon introduce Nimble in the video below. 

Exciting? You bet.  What does it mean for you? If you are in the social stream, you are probably already wondering how to get your copy. If you aren't, Nimble is a great way to get started. You will gain a new perspective on the amazing world of living information. Not just a bunch of old data in a database, Nimble brings you what people are saying and thinking in real time. In one place. 
Should you throw out your current CRM system. No, that's part of your business today. Should you have Nimble on you PC, Mac or iPad today? YES! 
Nimble Contact is Free. It is ridiculously easy to use. And we will be offering free get started sessions to our clients. 
Nimble Contact is a single user application but in a short time Nimble Team will be available to connect your work group and share this new world of information. 
How will the Social Network impact your business? No one knows the answer other than it will. Just like we didn't know the impact of email or the Internet. I haven't seen a better way to get involved than to have a daily connection. Nimble is it.  
sign up for nimble.png

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