Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Nimble the Perfect Contact Manager for the Social World?

Is Nimble the new Outlook? Or is it better? 
Nimble is very cool. Check it out. One on line program that puts all your contact info in one place with live streams from all your social networks.
  • Contacts - Imports from Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Outlook, Google with a click.
  • Adds and updates and merges new contacts with a click. 
  • Companies - Automatically creates a company record and attaches the people to the company. 
  • Calendar - Syncs with Google Calendar
  • History - Automatically creates a history of emails, tweets, completed tasks etc. with the appropriate contact and company. 
  • Social stream - Real time updates on each contact for FB, LI and TWT, for both individuals and your entire contact list. Add status updates, tweet, retweet, etc. 
  • E-mail - Send and receive mail from your GMail or Imap accounts. 
  • Access on-line - No software to install. Works on Macs, or PCs or anything with a web browser. 

Nimble is amazing and the single user version is FREE!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Get Disconnected - Enjoy the freedom of WMobile 2.1 Sign up for Web Demo

New web based desktop client for Goldmine Premium
You are invited to attend one of our 30 minute live web events where we will demonstrate our new wMobile capabilities and answer any of your questions.
REGISTER NOW - check the available days and times
New Web Based Desktop User Interface
Finally a web based user interface that mirrors the GoldMine Premium user experience. On a laptop or desktop computer, PC or Mac, your users can connect live to your central GoldMine Premium data, connecting quickly through a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox or Google Chrome.

High Performance and Scalable Technology
Phone and Desktop Edition will scale to support 100’s of users on a single web server. wMobile’s light weight web clients support worldwide access to GoldMine from a single web server location.
No Remote Installations
Your wMobile users are up and running in seconds with no software to install. Just add a new web address to your web browser and you are up and running.

No Monthly User Charges
wMobile is an inexpensive one time purchase giving you a perpetual license to web enable your remote CRM users.
New Email Integration to GoldMine
wMobile can be configured to automatically link email sent to and received from contacts to their GoldMine Premium CRM contact interaction history. Remote users can send and receive email using any smart phone or web based email system without plug-ins or any user action to add the email to the central GoldMine contact history.

New Support for Multiple GoldMine Contact Sets
For GoldMine Premium systems using multiple contact sets - wMobile now supports users switching at will between contact sets.

New Dedicated Google and LinkedIn Tab
Show Google satellite map, directions, blog or web searches for the currently viewed contact. Check to see if the current contact is in your LinkedIn network.

New Automated Process Support
wMobile users can now attach automated process tracks on contacts to automate marketing and administrative tasks using GoldMine’s powerful automated process feature. wMobile also shows the processes tab on contact records to allow users to manage existing tracks.
 New Filter Based User Security

wMobile supports a new easier to manage security model of limiting users access to information subject to a common GoldMine filter rule rather than complex ownership and curtaining maintenance.

New Relationship Tree Handling
New Support of GoldMine Premium Relationship Trees in Both Phone and Desktop cEditions of wMobile.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Macbook Pro Hard Drive Showdown Hybrid Momentous XT vs. 7200 Sata

A Hybrid Drive combines a normal 7200 RPM spinning drive and a Solid State Drive (SSD) in one very fast and inexpensive alternative to a straight SSD drive. A 500GB SSD costs about $1500 the hybrid drive costs $100.
Here is a comparison of two MacBook Pros. The machine on the right is my older 2.53 Ghz with 8 GB of Ram and a 500 GB 7200 Rpm SATA hard drive.
On the left is a new 2 Ghz Core i7 QuadCore with a 500 GB Seagate Momentus 7200 RPM Hybrid drive.
It cuts start up time by about 50%.
It "learns" what you work on and keeps getting faster at opening and updating your commonly used programs. It's very cool and cost about $99.00 at Amazon.
BTW replacing a MacBook Pro hard drive takes about 5 minutes. It's very easy.
You would need to use Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper to duplicate your exiting hard drive first. 
Highly recommended!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Got a Leaky Sales Pipeline? LeadMaster is the Sales Plumber!

Here are some frightening statistics on leads: 
  • 80% of all trade show leads are never followed up on.
  • The typical sales rep spends only 47% of their week selling.
  • 39% of a sales reps time is spent on administrative tasks.
  • 40% of qualified telemarketing leads have only marginal follow up.
  • 50% of qualified telemarketing leads are never called.
Everyday, I talk with Company Presidents and Sales Managers who are in major pain over lead loss. Do any of these sound familiar? 
  • We spend a fortune on leads and yet at the end of the day, I don't know what happened to them. Were they called, were they qualified? Did we sell them? 
  • We don't really have a standardized process to handle leads from entry to closure. 
  • Follow up! Follow up! Follow up! Follow up on the prospect until we get a yes or no! Follow up on my sales rep to make sure they stayed with the lead till conclusion. Follow up on me! (The manager) to remember to follow up on the leads and the sales reps. 
OK! I know you get it. So is there an answer? We are excited about LeadMaster. It's a powerful but simple lead management and tracking system disguised as a full featured on-line CRM system. 
Here's what it does by the numbers: 
  1. A lead is entered by, importing an Excel Spreadsheet, a visit to your website, or manually. 
  2. The lead is assigned to company rep or a partner rep or a team. 
  3. The rep gets a text and an email advising of the new lead with name phone etc. 
  4. The rep calls the lead and updates status on a simple, (yep you guessed it) lead status update screen (Below) by clicking a box and selecting from a drop down menu. 
  5. Manager checks very cool dashboard for high level status on leads. 
  6. LeadMaster automatically nudges sales rep (and manager) if a lead hasn't been updated in X days!
  7. Manager reviews lead status report for actions by rep. 
  8. Lead closed or converted to opportunity 
  9. Quote generated from LeadMaster....oh but that's another story. 

Lead status update screen.

Want to solve a lead leak problem? Call us about a free tour and 30 day trial. 847-382-4500

Visit our LeadMaster page for more pics and info. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nimble DEMO - Your Social Network CRM - Presented by Jon Ferrara

About twenty years ago a young man just out of college saw a need and an opportunity. The man was Jon Ferrara, the need was contact management and the opportunity was the new world of PC networks. 
Jon saw a new world where people were buying PCs like crazy to use in their businesses. They needed to keep track of their contacts, their calendars and communications, which in those days were Word or Word Perfect (remember them?). Unlike Act! and other early personal info managers, Jon said what if everyone in the office could share and contribute to the same contact manager and customer info base over the network in the office? WOW!! And the rest of that story is history. He and a friend created the first networked contact manager called GOLDMINE!
Fast forward about 10 years, Jon gets an offer he can't refuse and sells GoldMine. He goes off and enjoys his young family and life in general. But the still young entrepreneur keeps an eye on the need and opportunity in the environment around him. This time he heard and saw a new rumbling, perhaps stronger than the PC network, it was the social network
He saw hundreds of millions of people sharing personal and professional info on FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google and email. He saw a need to consolidate all these new sources of info in a single living location, where contact info would include live feeds and the ability to comment, respond, tweet or whatever with your contacts. 
Jon saw the need and created Nimble, a Social Network CRM system for the next great wave of information and communication. 
Hear and see Jon introduce Nimble in the video below. 

Exciting? You bet.  What does it mean for you? If you are in the social stream, you are probably already wondering how to get your copy. If you aren't, Nimble is a great way to get started. You will gain a new perspective on the amazing world of living information. Not just a bunch of old data in a database, Nimble brings you what people are saying and thinking in real time. In one place. 
Should you throw out your current CRM system. No, that's part of your business today. Should you have Nimble on you PC, Mac or iPad today? YES! 
Nimble Contact is Free. It is ridiculously easy to use. And we will be offering free get started sessions to our clients. 
Nimble Contact is a single user application but in a short time Nimble Team will be available to connect your work group and share this new world of information. 
How will the Social Network impact your business? No one knows the answer other than it will. Just like we didn't know the impact of email or the Internet. I haven't seen a better way to get involved than to have a daily connection. Nimble is it.  
sign up for nimble.png

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New wMobilePC Desktop Browser User Interface for GoldMine

W-Systems has introduced a dynamite new version of the browser based GoldMine interface called WMobile PC. You get full screen access to a GoldMine look screen with most of the GoldMine functionality. Since it works on any web browser, there is no client software to install and works on PCs or Macs. 

Many wMobile customer use wMobile as a thin web client from a regular desktop browser in addition to using it from their mobile phone.  For those customer we are launching an additional user interface to wMobile that takes full advantage of a desktop browser.  This additional user interface will be free to existing customers under maintenance and included with all new sales of wMobile.  The cost of wMobile will stay the same at USD$295 per license.

If you would like a quick preview of our new desktop browser interface, download a powerpoint here.
The user interface is currently in open beta / preview available to all customers and included in the latest wsetup.exe file please send us a quick note if you'd like to try WMobile 2.1.

The new browser interface is available now as part of WMobile in a late Beta edition. 
See more screen shots and get info from us here.