Thursday, October 25, 2012

Galaxy S3 vs. IPhone -Hands on! Why I switched back!

After 20 days of way to dedicated effort I returned my Samsung Galaxy S3 and turned my iPhone 4s back on. What an amazing relief. Why did I switch after being an IPhone owner since week 1? Who knows, need for a change, really cool ads for the S3? Bigger is better? New is better? 
The biggest thing I learned. When it's all said and done, the Apple system is the easiest and best system you can use. The iPhone and IOS6 is almost impossible to move away from if you are a Mac user. Everything links and syncs seamlessly. Calendar, reminders, contacts, bookmarks, email, text messages and pictures. This is the stuff we live by. I was able to get some of this covered with apps like Smooth Sync for iCloud calendar and contacts. About $3.00 each.  You can do photo uploads with Google+. 
Size Matters! Smaller is better. You know that commercial where a thumb is tapping around the iPhone screen? Pay attention boys and girls. I am about 6 ft tall and have big hands, and I have to say the S3 is too big for one handed use. If you want a mini tablet, it's too small but it's a phone. When it's much harder to call, and really hard to text, forget it. You almost have to use both hands to do things that you can easily do with a thumb on the iPhone. And I can't imagine how one can use the Samsung Galaxy note 1 or 2 as a phone. Waaayy to big!!
Confusion: Android gives the user a lot of flexibility. The widgets for various apps are cool to start with vs. the boringly structured, inflexible, apple interface. But guess what. when it's all said and done the widgets take up a lot of space and if you have a lot of apps, you have to do too much page flipping to get to the ones you want. I found myself eliminating lots of cool widgets and going back to icons that wound up looking a lot like, you guessed it, the iPhone. 
I found many of the apps I took for granted on the iPhone weren't quite right on Android. I went through 4 email clients; Samsung mail, k9, Aqua mail, and another I can't recall and all had some issues. Couldn't reliably connect to an Exchange account, would be slow to get mail. (You know where you have an email on your iPad but can't get it to show up on the phone. or you delete a bunch of emails on the S3 and they are still on your computer? 
I never found an app on the Android that had more features than it's iPhone counterpart. But I found a lot that were missing features or just didn't work on Android. 
So when it was all said and done. I wasted a lot of time trying to make the switch work for me, but foggeddaboutit! Not worth it. Maybe if you don't care about everything syncing and you have hands like an orangutan it will be a wonderful choice. 
A final note. When I got the S3 AT&T had a 30 day return policy. When I took it back they said, oh we changed it to 14 days. So if you switch. Don't sell your iphone till you are sure, and make up your mind in less than 2 weeks. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Nimble adds nifty notification features

New Product Features From Nimble

Empower Teamwork with Task Notifications
With Nimble's new task notifications, tasks you create for yourself or assign to others will never fall through the cracks. You'll receive alerts when tasks get assigned to you, or when the tasks you assigned to someone else gets completed, reassigned, or deleted. You'll also get alerted when a team member comments on your task or on one you assigned to someone else.  
3 Types of Notifications:
Notification Counter
Nimble counts the number of unread task notifications and displays them on the top-left corner of the application. 

 Click on the Nimble icon to see more details about the tasks. 

Pop-up Window Notifications
If you are using Nimble when a notification occurs, a popup window will appear. 

Email Notifications
Email notifications are perfect for when you're away from Nimble. Not only will you get alerted about the task, but you'll also get the full description, comment history, and contacts or deals related to the task.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

WMobile Latest Build 3.01.056 Available

wMobile 3.0 has been available for some weeks now and has stabilized nicely.
We have updated our wMobile documentation (PDF) to include What is New in wMobile 3.0.
One of the most powerful areas of wMobile has become our email archive functionality.  Take a look at this short article (PDF)  describing the functionality. 
We have today updated wMobile to our latest Build 3.01.056.  As usual ourinstaller will install new instances or update to the latest version.  If you are on version 2.1, make sure you update to the latest version of wmobile 2 before you move to version 3.0.  The wMobile 2.1 installer will update an existing system to the latest version of 2.1.
New Features in Build 3.01.056
2980    Support for Conditional Lookups
3055    wMobileDesktop: Add support for username/userfullname/date/time in GMViews

Fixed Defects Build 3.01.056
4488    Error on Dashboard               
4480    Warning on mobile contact screen that contact is not geocoded               
4478    wMobileDesktop: Contact Editor not usable after added OnFieldsFocusedEvent               
4466    Make Date Controls Bigger               
4359    WT_Configuration.version table shows version 2.1               
4484    Not all Opportunities are being displayed               
4431    Uninstaller Error               
4479    Add support for view specific field labels when creating filters               
4477    ManagerConsole - Ask for app pools/services restart when saving system settings.               
4482    Add ability to change SQL Server Password/User in Manager Console               
4490    Add a new registry key "RestartComponents" - Possible just from Manager Console               
4491    Updates unattended installer support (for wMobile Tests)               
4414    Enable AutoImport service                
4446    Add a new GoldMineSysData folder check, because sometimes the check/repair for API aliases fails because of this.               
4449    Support for hh:mmt time format in details               
4458    RGMS Installation: Sql Settings detection and GoldMine Settings detection does not work if we have a real ini for system data folder               
4460    Web Settings Repair fails in some cases               
4461    Pad settings in wMobile Desktop not upgraded properly               
4463    Map directions from office not working               
4464    Manager Console: Change Database writes wrong password in the regs.                 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Improving ROI on your CRM investment

What are some of the most "dangerous" thought processes in selecting a CRM system. 
Too many companies realizing they don't have a customer management system, focus on the wrong things. They look at software or technology issues instead of business issues. 
Here is a list of those nice to have tech items that won't impact your bottom line. 
  1. Does it link to Outlook?
  2. Can I sync with my calendar on my iPhone?
  3. Can I use it on my ipad?
Focus on these business issues to impact the bottom line. 
  1. Track all your leads to closure 
  2. Do targeted email campaigns
  3. Measure neglected customers
  4. Increase customer touches 
  5. Increase follow up by 100%
  6. Measure field sales activities
  7. Centralize and share all customer information in one shared location
  8. Expand best practices to all users
  9. Eliminate redundant repetitive time wasters. 

While we're on a roll, here are a few other program killers.
  1. "It costs more than we wanted to spend" Develop a realistic budget with the help of a consultant who's done this before. 
  2. "We don't need to customize it. We can worry about that later." If your CRM program doesn't look act and work for YOUR business it won't work at all. Your system should reflect the work and language your people use everyday. Then it becomes a tool to improve productivity. 
  3. "Our IT department will manage the system." IT folks have unique skills and a hard job, but they rarely have run a business. Don't ask them to develop sales process, marketing programs, etc. It will not work!
  4. "We don't really need any reports to start with." Without even the simplest measurements of who's using the program, you can not improve the system and many users will ignore it. 
  5. "We'll do our own training." Training is critical. It is complete when every one is using the program effectively. Work with a consultant who knows the program and has extensive business experience. Look for a blend of software and process experience. 
  6. "Top management expects this to work....but they aren't going to use it." Death!! A CRM system is a the core of customer related information. IT's not just an email client and a calendar. Top management needs to understand and adopt this powerful tool first. 

That's for starters. I bet you have some of your own. 
Need some help with your program? Tech.Sell has been helping customers get more from their CRM system for nearly 20 years. We are a partner for GoldMine, SugarCRM, LeadMaster and Nimble. Give us a call at 847-382-4500 or stop by our website

QuoteWerks- Close more quotes with a better system

Quoting is critical to every company, yet it is one of the most technically forsaken areas of business today. Why? Because in many small to mid-sized companies, quotes are created in Word or Excel.
Sounds OK but, there are some big problems with that method. Quotes can vary in composition, i.e. the terms and conditions may not be correct, logs or company info may be outdated.
These Word or Excel quotes are frequently stored on individual reps computers making retrieval, checking and follow up nearly impossible. So how can you get control of and improve the quoting process? Check out QuoteWerks.
QuoteWerks links seamlessly to GoldMine or SugarCRM. That means when you create a quote QW goes to the CRM, finds your contact, fills in the info, then links the quote, to the contact, creates a forecasted sale and a follow up call automatically! 
How slick is that? !!!!

What can QuoteWerks do for your company?
  • Cut quoting time in half (at least)
  • Establish a single location for all quotes (no lost quotes)
  • Deliver a professional image (every time)
  • Integrate follow up with your contact manager
  • Sync remote users with the main office
  • Integrate with QuickBooks
  • Create PDF and E-mail with a single click!
QuoteWerks fits into your existing environment of software. It works with the software that you store your customer information in like ACT!ACT! for WebAutotaskConnectWiseGoldMine,MaximizerMS Dynamics CRMOutlookOutlook BCMsalesforce.comSalesLogix, and SugarCRM eliminating the need to re-type customer information. QuoteWerks also has its own built-in contact database.

For more info on QuoteWerks click here! or Call Tech.Sell at 847-382-4500

Friday, October 5, 2012

6 Ways to Increase CRM Adoption Within Your Sales Staff

Sales managers usually have no problem grasping the value of CRM.  For sales people, however, CRM is often viewed as a new burden, a hindrance and an example of the sales manager shifting his work on to them even the “Big Brother” syndrome.  In reality, it’s as helpful to sales staffers as it is to managers, if used right. But perception is reality – so sales managers need to help overcome preconceptions. In other words, sales managers need to sell CRM to their sales staff.

The way the concept of CRM is defined during the sales process can sow the seeds of its ultimate failure. Because the decision makers are often sales managers rather than actual sales people, the pitch is usually made to them that CRM makes it easier for the managers to manage their sales staff. Which is true.

But what’s in it for the sales staff? They’re the ones who will spend extra time entering data into the CRM application. If the purpose of the CRM application were to give their bosses more information with which to browbeat them, why would sales staff use it?

Of course, CRM is much more than a management tool – and it’s most effective when it has more data entered into it. That doesn’t result in mere managerial success – it means success for the entire sales team and success for the entire business. So how do you get past the perception that CRM is an eavesdropping tool for sales managers and a burden on the sales staff, and instead cultivate a view that CRM is a tool that helps everyone in the organization?

Simple. You have to sell the sales staff on CRM.

Six Ideas for Selling CRM to Your Sales Staff

Here are six ways to position CRM to help you demonstrate to your sales team that using CRM will make their lives easier and their commission checks larger.

1. CRM is a memory accelerator
With sales teams shrinking, quotas rising and sales pros constantly begging for greater numbers of leads from marketing, at some point the data becomes overwhelming. No one can hold all of the pertinent contact information in his or her head, before it too becomes overwhelming. However, once that data is entered into CRM, it’s there for good. Think of it as an assistant for the sales pro’s brain. Worry less, sell more!

2. CRM organizes your activities
Sales people have complicated calendars, especially if what they sell has a long sales cycle. That can result in a homegrown reminder system to help follow up with calls or collateral. But the homegrown system of post its, yellow pads and Outlook calendars often start to groan under heavy burdens. Increase the number of leads you’re working on by 30 percent, and watch the leads and follow ups start slipping away? CRM is great for building a follow up and reminder system into your daily process. They help standardize the sales processes so that you never forget to schedule a follow-up call.

3. CRM Reduces Paperwork
CRM helps lessen the burden other reports have traditionally placed on the sales staff. Examples include the weekly “call” reports, sales funnel status update and forecast updates. When selling data is entered into CRM, the application automates these activities entirely.

4. CRM lets you share intelligence
Of course, sales people are fiercely jealous of the accounts they’re working. However, it also makes sense to compare notes. If one selling approach is working, why keep it under your hat? Tracking selling patterns allows sales people to see what works for them, and what might work for others; instead of having the sales manager impose a set of “best practices.” CRM also makes it much easier to get productive when territories shift or when responsibilities change; When changes are made, historical data is immediately available to help get the sales pro who’s inheriting them up to speed.

5. CRM keeps you more aware
If you’re in sales, especially on the B2B side, you may already check on prospects by looking them up on LinkedIn. CRM is becoming increasingly attuned to the social world – and instead of having to look up prospect or customers’ social profiles manually each time, socially-enabled CRM applications can pull this data into the customer record, doing your research for you.  More time selling and less time Googling!

6. CRM ensures recurring sales
While the immediate benefits to sales are nice, the behind-the-scenes benefit to sales are great as well. The customer record is useful to customer support, which can understand the relationship between the customer and the company and use it to provide better service. It’s also a big help to marketing, which can better segment the customer audience for its messages and use the data to hunt down better qualified leads. Suddenly the sales pro is not alone. The office team is helping take batter care of clients and find new opportunities through automated marketing campaigns.

Strategies for Selling Your Sales Staff
While positioning CRM’s benefits in terms that appeal to the sales staff is an important first step, it’s not all there is to getting complete buy-in. As in any sale, you’ll need to break through skepticism in order to win your customers over.

Promote Successes
Nothing beats the skeptics better than real results. Keep an eye open for early wins that resulted from the use of CRM. Keep an eye out for the eager early adopters within the sales team, and watch their wins. When a sales pro can point to a sale and describe how CRM helped get him closer to a close, take notes and make sure everyone on your sales team hears about it.

Real Time Forecasting
Another area where CRM use helps the entire sales organization is forecasting. The committed use of CRM by the entire staff leads to more accurate forecasts, which can eliminate frantic quarter ends in which the staff tries to make up the gulf between what’s been forecast and what the actual sales numbers are. CRM use promotes real-time forecasting based upon your sales process and what’s happening now versus what you hoped for 90 days ago.

The goal here is to back up your assertions of how useful CRM is to ordinary sales staff not just for generating reports for management but for increasing commissions for sales people.

Positive motivations – like examples of CRM successes – tend to be more successful than punitive motivations. For example, making CRM use into a monthly competition between sales people – in which consistent users are rewarded with a prize at the end of a sales period – can be an effective motivator.
Introducing sales enablement technologies like Smart Phone or iPad apps that keep the sales data in the reps “pocket” are great rewards!  These give reps a leg up on sales information. They also make nice prizes for reps that embrace the system.

Punitive motivations – like reducing commissions on sales that weren’t tracked through CRM – can be effective, but they tend to reinforce the perception of CRM as a tracking tool for management. A mixture of carrots and sticks may be needed to drive total adoption, but try to lean toward the carrot side of the equation to maintain staff effectiveness.

CRM has a many benefits for your business – and to everyone within your business. But change is tough, especially when your sales staff is already succeeding at what they’re doing and they perceive new technology as a hindrance rather than as help. If you want them to help you as a sales manager you need to demonstrate to them how CRM can help them boost their commissions while making their lives easier. Just as in selling any other product, it’s important to frame CRM in terms of the problems it solves for your sales staff.

Abridged from the full white paper by Chris Bucholtz for SugarCRM. 

Click this graphic to download the full White Paper.

For more help with your CRM and your sales team, please visit Tech.Sell.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

New Features in Nimble Help Manage the Social Stream

 Editors note: If you aren't on the Social Media train, you should be hearing the whistle. Businesses regularly have Directors of Social Media these days. That light in the tunnel is not going away folks it's coming at you!
Nimble is an amazing CRM variation that puts all your social noise in a place where you can see who's saying or Tweeting what to whom. Most "Social entry level" (over 35) business owners are just getting into the interesting world of LinkedIn. Nimble is a radical but very simple way of  pulling social info into your contact database automatically. It does all the normal stuff too, like linking IMAP emails, deals, calendars, etc. 
So give us a call for a guided tour and think about how it might fit in your business. (A single user copy is free and team versions are $15 per month per user). Shoot me an email or call at 847-382-4500.

The latest Nimble release was designed entirely with customer engagement in mind and is the first social selling platform that empowers companies to nurture their customers through social listening and engagement, helping them turn their social communities into customers for life.

Nimble’s new version  gives social businesses a competitive edge by integrating social discovery, engagement and collaboration.

Social Discovery

Nimble brings greater insight to every contact. A contact is no longer a flat, static, business-card-like record of contact details that your sales person types in, but instead has become a dynamic dashboard of social insight about the contact. Nimble has integrated with foursquare for location engagement and shows shared connections from your social graph. Nimble already showed an integrated conversation history with a contact - whether the exchange happened in email, Twitter, Facebook, or Linkedin. Nimble now automatically associates Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter profiles to a contact when it’s confident in a match. And contacts come to life even more with live, actionable social streams from across a contact’s networks.

foursquare Integration

Get to Know Your Contacts Better

foursquare is a social app that helps you and your contacts connect based on location.  Now when friends, prospects or customers check-in near you or at your place of business you gain deeper insight into her interests and it creates an opportunity for engagement. With Nimble’s new foursquare integration, you can import contacts from foursquare and see their check-ins and mayorships.

Shared Connections

Use the Power of Social Connections to Close Your Next Deal

Calling on a cold contact out of the blue is a tough way to make a sale. But chances are, you are only a degree or two of separation away from anyone you want to know in your business. In today’s socially connected world, it’s possible to map out those relationships and identify who knows that key prospect. From there you can focus on getting a warm introduction and dramatically increasing your chances of making a sale. Nimble now identifies shared connections you have with each contact based on your shared connections.

Social Profile Mapping

Automatically link a contact to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter accounts

The world is a crowded place, and while each of us is unique, our names aren’t always so. Trying to match “Kim Smith” or “John Lee” to their social identities can be a struggle. But if you can find the right LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter match, you’ve got deep insight into a contact’s work history, travels, interests, and ruminations, and an opportunity for a richer, more fulfilling relationship. When confident in a match, Nimble automatically links social profiles to a contact using our powerful, proprietary algorithms.
Social streams in the contact card
Turn One-Dimensional Identities into Three-Dimensional People

The problem with business cards and a traditional rolodex is they are a static and flat representation of a person, often containing just a phone number or email address. Nimble aims to transform contacts from a one-dimensional cards into rich, three-dimensional, living and breathing people. Nimble already links all of your communication to each contact and provides quick access to social profiles. Now Nimble shows the social social stream - across all of the contacts social networks - on the contact record. Opening a contact record is now like opening a book into the life of the person.
Social Engagement   
Nimble picks out meaningful engagement opportunities with new and existing connections by looking at social activity and recent communication with each contact to ensure you stay top-of-mind with your most important contacts. Plus it’s easier to schedule social posts, import large amounts of contacts, track your notes on each contact, and find your contacts with advanced search on custom fields.

Nimble Daily Digest

Start Your Day with a Dose of Engagement Opportunities

The power of social is profound, but it can be overwhelming to cut through the noise of online social interactions and find those worth engaging on a deeper level. Nimble looks at all the social activity around you and picks out meaningful engagement opportunities with new and existing connections. These opportunities are delivered to your inbox every morning and include selected social notifications pulled from Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The Nimble Daily also includes birthdays, job changes, and upcoming tasks and meetings.

Schedule Posts

Build Your Brand in a Measured Way

With the great power and reach of social networks comes the great responsibility to build your personal brand carefully and conscientiously - particularly when you intend to use social for business. Nimble provides not only the ability see what others are sharing in their social streams, but also provides tools for crafting your own social identity. With Nimble,
it is easier to share posts with a simple UI that automatically shortens links and provides the ability to schedule posts for the future. The ability to schedule posts allows you to queue up content and have it broadcast to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook when it can be most impactful.

Relationship Monitoring

Stay Top-of-Mind with Your Most Important Contacts

Every introduction, potential deal, and success adds to the challenge of staying top of the contacts that are most important to you. This struggle is compounded by a constantly shifting set of priorities and multi-channel social conversations. Nimble lays the groundwork for more powerful relationship nurturing by automatically linking recent communications and activities across your calendars, email accounts and social streams to your contacts; you won’t have to log another email, appointment or social conversation again. Now last-contacted information is highlighted and sortable in Nimble. Soon Nimble will evaluate each contact based on recency and frequency of interaction and will automatically remind you when someone is slipping away to ensure you stay top-of-mind with your most important contacts.
Rapportive Widget
Take Nimble With You To GMail

Most people spend a big chunk of their day in their favorite email application, but the email app isn’t usually connected to their CRM. With Nimble, your contacts now follow you into your most-used app, Gmail, with a new plug-in. When you are reading an email from a Nimble contact, or hover your mouse over an email address in a thread, the Nimble contact details appear in the Rapportive widget. If the contact isn’t in Nimble, you can easily import him with the click of a button.

Custom Field Search

Hyper-target Your Communications

A metal detector is to a needle in a haystack what search is to a database. Custom fields allow you to capture and retain more insight about your contacts, but without search - search that is powerful and simple to use - your stored insights are not actionable. Nimble includes the ability to search across all of your data, including custom fields, enabling you to hyper-target your communications to your community and create stronger relationships.

Log a Note

Link Rich-Text Notes to Contact

The humble notebook is a simple, yet profound tool for capturing ideas and observations for future reference. While the pocket notebook offered great advancements for this simple purpose, there is nothing quite so valuable as a note contextually linked to the people to which it refers. Nimble  brings the ability to log a note, link it to any number of contacts, and compose it with rich text formatting.

Contact Import Limit

Import Up To 50,000 Contacts at a Time

Nimble is a powerful tool for bringing together your contacts from many disparate locations into one place and helping you nurture the new and important contacts in your network. To take full advantage of this power, you must overcome the burden of getting all of your contacts into Nimble. In this new Nimble version, import limits have increased to 10,000 per list for social networks, and 50,000 for CSV files.

Social Collaboration

Whether your team spans twenty cities or just two desks, getting work done together can be a big challenge. Nimble makes it easier to coordinate activities and ensure people are executing the right priorities with the right context.

Task Notifications

Coordinate Your Activities with Context

Too often when you assign a task to someone on your team, it drops into a black hole of obscurity. Does the person you assigned it to understand the request? Has the work been completed or reassigned? In Nimble, tasks are a boon for team productivity because they can be easily linked to contacts and deals. Now with task notifications in Nimble, teams are even more effective. Notifications can now go straight to your inbox to alert you when a team member assigns, comments on, or completes a task. Soon these notifications will appear in the web application as well.