Monday, November 29, 2010

Building the Ultimate Sales / CRM System with GoldMine 9

Recently a potential client came to us looking for the "complete" CRM solution.
In a time when the majority of prospects just want to know "how much for the software?", period. Not how to use it effectively, just buy some software and hope to fix a problem. I found this very refreshing, a company who actually had the vision of a CRM system that would deliver results that could help build their entire company. 

They expressed a desire to do what it takes to be successful in CRM. (Apparently they had tried and failed four time in the past 10 years). They also wanted a premise based system that they could control themselves and avoid the ongoing subscription payments of an on-line. They called Tech.Sell because they wanted a partner with experience to guide their program.

So here is what we put together and why. 

Solid Contact Management - GoldMine Premium delivers a very solid, out of the box contact manager, featuring; easy customization, instant search from any field, shared calendar, history, linked documents, the ability to build targeted lists of contacts on the fly. Integration with MS Office and particularly Outlook. The interface was redesigned 3 years ago and we find the need for training has declined significantly. It's a very natural environment. 

Email Management - Our world revolves around e-mail. Our client had experienced some major disasters using other CRMs but particularly Outlook. Some users had lost or corrupted their PST files and the entire history of emails was gone. With other users critical messages were only on a local machine and not available to the team. GoldMine has it's own internal email client which integrates with POP or IMAP servers. Emails are automatically linked to the history of the related contact in Goldmine. It also provides the same functionality through Outlook. Either way there are no lost e-mails. They are shared by the team and part of the client record. 

Marketing machine - Our client realized they were missing an opportunity to target market to their clients and prospects. They weren't really using email to follow up or "poke" clients and prospects. As a result they were losing market share. They occasionally did Snail Mailings, but these were so expensive and time consuming that campaigns rarely got off the ground. We showed them how their GoldMine system used a simple 4 step process to create their marketing machine. 1. Define the target audience, create a group or filter to lock in the recipients. 2. Create an email template in GoldMine including merge fields that personalize each message. 3. Click send to deliver the message to the target group. 4. Create an automated process, schedule follow up calls and further email contacts automatically. 

Sales Machine - After the message is sent, an ironclad system to track leads, forecast sales and manage the status of opportunities is critical. Amazingly, anywhere from 60 to 80% of leads never get followed up on. Combining a solid sales process built into GoldMine's opportunity manager, with solid reporting for reps and managers, can stop this "lead leakage".  Tech.Sell has added to GoldMine's built-in tools with the Selling Machine add on and reports. Manager and sales coaching increases the effectiveness of the overall sales buy-in. 

Reporting/Measurement - What gets measured gets done. Why put data in without getting anything out? 
These two statements are so critical to the CRM program becoming part of management practice. A solid group of reports will help steer the ship, create metrics to support objectives and pinpoint areas for improvement. In our GoldMine system, the chosen reporting tool is MasterMine. With over 120 prebuilt templates, it's not only easy to get info out, but it's easy for mere mortals to create powerful reports. Since MM exports data to Excel, the results are familiar to just about everyone. MasterMine is an add on to GoldMine but probably delivers the biggest bang for the buck. 

Phone integration  Combining the phone with the CRM program really adds a huge dimension to the program. We are recommending DialPad from W-Systems. It's a powerful integration that helps schedule and track calls, prep the user with client history, and even prompts for data to be captured and brought back to GoldMine for sales process and prospect tracking. Learn more 

Document management - Our GoldMine super system has two key document components. The first is the document library where all users share a collection of Word and email templates complete with attachments. These Ready to Go templates provide fast follow-up and consistent quality to communications. Part two lies in the automatic linking of all documents, attachments and related files to the appropriate contact record. All users can quickly access important files, attachments and quotes.  

Remote access / mobility - How to open the data and info channel to the remote user. Our system has two key components, IGoldMine and W-Mobile. IGoldMine allows remote users on Mac or PC to access the GoldMine system via an internet connection. They work in the full GoldMine and get immediate updates to the system. Part two is for SmartPhone or iPad users. WMobile provides a simple interface directly to the GoldMine system through the web browser of any mobile device. There is no syncing involved. 
A third option is GoldSync which provides a full free standing GoldMine system for users who need to access their contact data while an Internet connection is not available. They sync bi-directionally via the internet.

Quoting system - Our client has had a real problem managing quotes. They get lost, become outdated or have no built in tracking and follow up mechanism. We incorporated QuoteWerks into the system. Quotewerks provides a shared database for all quotes. It automatically links the quote to the GoldMine contact record, schedules a forecasted sales and opportunity, sends the quote via email and creates a follow up!  What else could we want?  How about linking between GoldMine and Quickbooks.  It's a sweet system. 

Training and coaching  - Finally, but of utmost importance, is the support to make sure the investment becomes part of the culture. That happens through training and ongoing coaching. Making sure that everyone gets it. Measuring results against key goals of the program. Pointing out the pitfalls. Helping the leadership team incorporate all the new technology based info into their daily processes. This support continues indefinitely. After the program is in place, we will participate in management meetings to make sure that new goals and programs are being supported by the CRM system. In most cases they can be. 

So there you have it. The CRM Super System built on GoldMine 9. We've gone far beyond just selling some software. Our client has added a new facility to their company. A new way of sharing information, connecting the teams, accelerating marketing, customer information and strengthening the sales process. 

For more information call us at 847-382-4500.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Office 2011 for Mac Be Aware

Just a quick note for any mac users who are thinking about upgrading to Office 2011. There are some generally cool features see them here, but if you spend the extra money $130, for the Home and Business version see the details here, be aware that there is a big difference in Outlook.

Outlook is the primary reason to spend the extra money for the H&B version, BUT it doesn't work with any version of exchange other than 2007. Which also means you must be running a 64 bit OS on your server.

So if you don't have a Exchange 2007 or 2010 server save the money, forget the Outlook and stick with your old Entourage or use Mail on your Mac.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Get more out of your GoldMine CRM - MasterMine!

We've been a Solutions Partner for GoldMine software for 16 years now. In that time we've seen 1000s of GoldMine or other CRM installations. One of the biggest wastes of money is that people buy CRM software without a plan. 
They know they need it but aren't sure how to apply it's power to their business. So they install the software and use it like a glorified Outlook. You know address book and shared calendar. 
They put stuff in but rarely get anything out. 
So here you have this very powerful tool, just waiting to help you grow your business, manage your team and touch more customers and prospect and NADA!  it remains a pretty dormant piece of software. What to do? 
Let's think about getting data out of the application, not just putting it in. That means reports. 
Of all the reporting tools available for GoldMine, MasterMine is tops!
It pulls data from any part of GoldMine and creates pivot tables. (I know that might sound scary) but even I figured out how to do amazing things with the data within a very short time. 
You start with over 100 prebuilt templates and off you go. You can create charts and graphs, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.
But most importantly you have instantly taken that address book and calendar and turned into a management information tool of amazing proportions. There are some other bonus features, like you can instantly create groups out of your data. That means you can email them or schedule calls or assign them to an auto process. 
Here's a great little video that's worth a watch. 
If you have more questions or want to see a demo with your actual GoldMine data call or write us
  • Quickly find bad data, click-through to GoldMine and update records and fix it! Using MMUpdater
  • Includes dozens of prebuilt templates to get you started - Click here!

 play video

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Leveraging the Microsoft Outlook Integration for Productivity Gains 

The GoldMine Microsoft Outlook Integration provides users a preview of GoldMine information directly from Outlook without having to switch back and forth between the two applications. GoldMine information is not only viewable, but users can drill into GoldMine records for edits or further business follow-up. 
This powerful integration helps improve user adoption and knowledge sharing across the company. See how you too can realize these productivity gains. 
Thursday, November 18, 2010
11:00AM - 12:00PM Pacific Time
Topics will include:
GMPE 9.0 Outlook integration - Calendar features:
  • Benefits users who use Outlook as their day-to-day activity management application, and improves visibility so users can report on these activities for better CRM activity reporting
  • Schedule appointments, meetings, and tasks in Outlook and link them to contacts, opportunities, projects, and cases so they are viewable in GoldMine
  • Show GoldMine contact information and related records when viewing activities in Outlook
  • Centralizing Customer Information
GMPE 9.0 Outlook integration - Email features:
  • Benefits include ease of use when delivering and receiving email communications, and improves email / information visibility and knowledge sharing amongst team members
  • Link messages from Outlook into the GoldMine database so they are a visible part of the contact history
  • Use GoldMine email templates in Outlook to personalize messages and improve productivity
  • Send messages between GoldMine users that can be read in Outlook or smartphones
  • Show GoldMine contact information and related records when viewing emails in Outlook
GMPE 9.0 Outlook integration - Other features:
  • Benefits users by allowing them access and views into both the Outlook and CRM paradigm without having to switch back & forth between applications, andallows clients to administer the process & data better between the two applications
  • View / navigate to other GoldMine records from Outlook
  • Synchronization between GoldMine and Outlook, including support for recurring activities, so your GoldMine calendar is accessible in Outlook and on your smartphone
Thursday, November 18, 2010
11:00AM - 12:00PM Pacific Time
This webinar is sponsored by FrontRange Solutions.  FrontRange Solutions manufactures GoldMine Software used by more than 130,000 companies and over 1.7 million users worldwide to optimize sales, marketing and customer service performance.
To find out more information regarding GoldMine Solutions contact Tech.Sell or call 1.847.382.4500 to speak with a consultant.  Visit to learn about the benefits of GoldMine CRM. 

Copyright © 2010 FrontRange Solutions USA Inc. - All Rights Reserved
5675 Gibraltar Drive, Pleasanton, CA 94588, TEL.: 800.776.7889

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

SCRM? Social CRM - It's a whole new ballgame!

In the last few months I've become very aware that the old paradigm of CRM is changing, in a very big way.

The monstrous growth of Social Networking has created a force that can't be ignored. You can't just store a bunch of data on customers and then send them email blasts inviting them to your boring website that hasn't changed in 2 years.
The prospects and customers are out there communicating with each other, and perhaps your competitors on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Plaxo, blogs and wherever. The internet has become an instant realtime network, for shopping, comparing, asking questions, getting answers, reading reviews and more.

There are hundreds of millions of people on line everyday, all day tweeting and texting and communicating. So if we sit at our desks or in our cars and aren't in this tidal wave of communication, we are missing something...BIG!

I'm not sure that we can quantify what that something is right now, but it's big. These social channels represent a mind boggling tidal wave of data. Topics, questions, info and a lot of mundane "I'm having my third latte", "I'm bored" and "yada yada" crash by, but folks are picking out the topics they are interested in. Then they follow those topics or the people or companies that send them. Then a relationship created by the customer begins to form and at that point it needs to be tracked and subtly monetized. If the prospect likes the info or relationship they may buy what you are offering. They may follow, they may "share", they may review. It happens with a click and that click spreads to one or 10,000 other devices (computers, phones, mobile devices, ipads, etc.) just like that.

If you haven't been paying attention to this paradigm shift, it should either be making you very excited or very nervous.

So how do you adapt to the new social world? How do you get your business or ideas or value proposition in front of the audience?

Do what I've done. Get company pages at FaceBook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Plaxo. Start a blog at Blogger or WordPress. All this stuff is free. You will be pretty amazed at the number of "friends" and followers you can accumulate.

After you get a feel for the social sites, tell your customers that you are there. Put links on your web page and email signatures.

In the near future, we'll be sharing info on SCRM and a program called Nimble, which tracks the social interactions of your contacts. But for now, if this is new, take off your shoes and socks and dip a toe in.

BTW, you can follow us by clicking any of the little logos under this posting.