The biggest bridge between a CRM investment and actual bottom line profit is connecting a piece of software to the daily activities of your staff, and plans of your business. Sounds simple but...
No plan no cigar! We see many programs where there is no plan, no user adoption, no measurement, and of course no success.
Do whatever you want! More typical is a system where some people use the CRM and the rest are allowed to skate by and use Outlook. Some users are in the CRM system and others just "do their own thing". There is no measurement, and no success.
Do whatever you want! More typical is a system where some people use the CRM and the rest are allowed to skate by and use Outlook. Some users are in the CRM system and others just "do their own thing". There is no measurement, and no success.
The real deal! Then there are those rare systems where they "get it". They buy a system to do something for the business; build sales, track leads to closure, connect the inside and outside teams, increase customer touches, etc. After they install the system, they customize it to fit their business. They train each department until everyone gets it. And then they do something very important. They measure! They measure usage, field activities, sales process, lead tracking, neglected customers, the sales funnel, activity by market type, you name it, they measure it. And those companies are successful.
It's that simple. You need to figure out what the CRM system is supposed to do for you and then measure your progress and it's success in achieving your plan.
So I have now mentioned measurement 5 times and you might be saying so HOW do I measure all these critical success factors.
Well if your CRM system is GoldMine, there is one answer; MasterMine!
It pulls data from any part of GoldMine and uses Microsoft Excel to create pivot tables. (I know that might sound scary) but even I figured out how to do amazing things with the data within a very short time.
You start with over 100 prebuilt templates that will address every business issue I've mentioned so far. You can create charts and graphs, if you are a fan of that sort of thing.
But most importantly you have unlocked the power of CRM by putting the data to work for your company.
Here's a great little video that's worth a watch.
If you have more questions or want to see a demo with your actual GoldMine data call or write us.
Join us for a closer look at MasterMine with creator and Excel Guru Rob Machalek on September 13 at 11:00 CST. Click here to register. You can also learn more at our website.